Lehua blew petroleum farming away with edible natural farming methods. 13 week trial shows NF can outperform expensive (environmental and economical) alternatives. she started as a skeptic, but persisted, and even convinced the teacher of the merits we all know and love. living soil. living people. loving life. long live […]
Monthly Archives: May 2015
3 posts
No smell, no flies, no cleaning, no problems pig pens, a.k.a. Inoculated Deep Litter Systems, were the topic of the May 2015 Natural Farming Hawai’i meeting and potluck. For over 5 years over a dozen operations have proven why this is the NRCS best practice for swine waste management plans, […]
This lesson was presented as in “Intro to Natural Farming” to an audience of experienced petroleum based farmers. It is an overview of the solutions natural farmers use as tools to assist plant and microbial growth. The later part the talk briefly goes into soil biology theory highlighting how crops we […]