How-to WCP and March 2017 Potluck

Monthly Natural Farming Hawaii meeting in Hilo at the Sweet Cane Cafe. Every second Tuesday 6-8pm.

This month I talked a lot. About:
Certification structure for CGNF-Hawaii. Master Cho’s official organization incorporated in Hawaii.
Beyond GMO a project to transform the Hawaiian Papaya industry.
Differences between Master Cho and his son Young-san Cho’s solutions.

how to make water soluble calcium phosphate.

burn bones till thoroughly black and charred.
dissolve in vinegar for 7 days.
strain and store liquid.

improper use can severely impair your plants

to use dilute 1:1000 with water and other KNF solutions
uses include:
to enhance the flowering of plants
to support structural features of plant growth
more… see or subscribe to my youtube.