Korean Natural Farming KNF stands for Korean Natural Farming. A farming method that deals primarily with Indigenous Micro Organisms, the living creatures in the soil that range in diversity and function. To maintain modern food productivity plants and soil life are periodically fed KNF Solutions made from plant, animal and […]
As the KNF movement continues to grow there needs to be some foundation and structure to establish that there are limits to the foundation and structure that constitute the movement as a whole. Watch out for any representatives claiming to be the “chosen one” or “voice of natural farming”, and […]
If you think you are going to haul fish guts 20 miles from town up to your farm, you are probably going to spend more in fuel than you could possibly produce on the farm. Assuming you had to grow and produce your own ethanol. Or, in almost any scenario […]
“I can finally concur on your IMO4, biochar and fish meal combo. It’s amazing. My friends who see my 24×4 ft raised bed are blown away at how fast growing and healthy my plants are. Super results. Thanks for all you do Drake. ” -Donna Mitts
I’ve began farming at Kamana Gardens in October 2010. 10/10 you might say. Chester, the owner of the property, and I installed a webcam in December to visually document the process. The camera uploads one picture a minute from 5am until 7pm every day. I wrote some software to turn […]
Hey Farmer! “Work harder and grow more food with less chemicals because I want to be sustainable and eat local”; or “Hey, what can I plant to become a significant producer in the food supply”. We can talk all we want about sustainability and food security, but until we take […]