I gave a talk on applying Natural Farming methods to macnut orchard crops in Hawai’i at the 47th annual Hawai’i Mac Nut Association meeting. Creating a Healthier Soil Environment – HMNA NF Hawai’i PDF of presentation slides
I checked out Chris Trump‘s data gathering operation on 500 acres of macnuts in Kohala on the Big Island of Hawai’i for my tv show farmLife.
Your chickens on soldier flies. In just two weeks of feeding a diet supplemented by Black Soldier Flies, Robert Olivier of Compost Mania is able to increase the egg size by jaw dropping proportions. The egg on the far left is from the store, the egg in the middle was […]
36 natural farmers met March 13th 2012 at the Aupuni Center in Hilo Hawai’i. On the Agenda: Yurek Chodak talking about his experience and results of using natural farming soil foundation on his orchard in Peepeeke’o. Kaika of Dragon Eye Farms reporting on her natural farming chicken operation using Master […]
Dr. Elaine Ingham is a world renowned researcher advocating healthy soil as a function of biology and living soil as the key to fertility. Dr. Ingham gave a four hour presentation on her vacation to Hawai’i to the Natural Farming group to share the science of the soil discovered by […]
Applying the CHO soil preparation solution to Downtown Hilo as part of the Grow Hilo project. A few new friends joined in on the action and spontaneously started multiplying microbes with us. Setting the soil foundation is crucial for the plants to grow a vigorous root system in the first […]
Robert Olivier, founder of CompostMania.com, gave two presentations at the Natural Farming Hawai’i Monthly Meeting for October. We video recorded both sessions so you can share this valuable information with friends and farmily. You can find out more about Robert on facebook.com/composting and twitter.com/composting The basic idea is that Black […]
What a blast it was! Over 50 people attended Master Cho’s Cho Global Natural Farming Certification Course held July 12-16th in Makapala Kohala Hawai’i. Master Cho’s revolutionary techniques are so effective that large chemical companies have threatened his life. Why? Because with Cho Global Natural Farming anybody can grow food […]
I just came across this excellent publication by CTAHR Step by step IMO preparation with photos published by the University of Hawai’i. This is the ‘mercedes benz’ of Indigenous Micro Organism preparation. Follow this recipe to achieve superior results in any environment. www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/BIO-9.pdf