Korean Natural Farming uses all edible ingredients to get optimal human health in the soil. We also use KNF to help our plants grow to full potential. This lecture goes into how the KNF Solutions can be used to enhance human health by boosting the immune system. IMO Baths for […]
Natural Farming
Korean Natural Farming KNF stands for Korean Natural Farming. A farming method that deals primarily with Indigenous Micro Organisms, the living creatures in the soil that range in diversity and function. To maintain modern food productivity plants and soil life are periodically fed KNF Solutions made from plant, animal and […]
No smell pigs are hot topics right now. Imagine raising hogs with no cleaning, no smell, no flies, no vaccines and no antibiotics! I went to Korea in 2017 to attend KNF Advanced Swine Training for 5 days in Gokseong County to learn the secrets of this biological technology. This […]
Master Han-Kyu CHO, founder of korean natural farming, visited Hawai’i in March of 2018 to deliver his teachings. He goes over advanced techniques for cultivating IMO (indigenous micro organisms) as well as other key recipes like OHN (medicine), FPJ (food), etc. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLatJX7i1alq5pNwHI25-UiHPy3e8UNire&layout=gallery[/embedyt]
Perhaps a once in a lifetime opportunity of Advanced Farm Tours with Master Cho in Hawaii. Watch the founder of Korean Natural Farming identify and diagnose a variety of plants and issues. By seeing him in action, the nack of his mastery shines. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLatJX7i1alq7sKWtfTNIdlbV7_pyDd89N&layout=gallery[/embedyt]
This is the Basic Seminar of Master Han-Kyu Cho, founder of Korean Natural Farming, presenting his fundamental seminar. [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&list=PLatJX7i1alq5eQe_SjIl2TwKotwBZVQWO&layout=gallery[/embedyt]
This is an 9 day training course CGNFI offered an Advanced Poultry course for Korean Natural Farming that I was fortunate enough to attend. Watch in YouTube Playlist
I was able to visit with Cho Young-San and Master Cho Han-Kyu in October 2016. We visited a lot of operational and test farms implementing different degrees of Korean Natural Farming. I brought along my ipad and captured as much video of the operations as I could. Below is the […]
August 2015 Natural Farming Hawai’i Meeting in Hilo. Natural Farming Solutions was the topic discussed and the Maintenance solution recipe was given as 1 part OHN, 2 parts FPJ and 2 parts Vinegar (Banana preferred) combined, then diluted 20mL per gallon of water and sprayed every 7-11 days on plants […]
Our June 2015 meeting covered microscopic soil analysis of indigenous micro organisms, IMO. We discovered and identified bacteria, fungus and nematodes. I brought in my 400x microscope to easily evaluate soil fertility based on biology. We recorded this lesson on how to use a microscope to validate your natural farming. We […]
Published on Sep 29, 2014 This is an introduction to the SCIENCE behind the popular agriculture technique called Natural Farming, which utilizes indigenous microorganisms and plant and animal based agricultural by-products to produce unique amendments. These techniques use the natural biological pathways found in forested systems and replicates them in […]