I was honored to be a guest teacher at Hawaiian Sanctuary’s permaculture series. Wade Bauer and I discuss and teach a course on vermicomposting and making compost teas.
In Search of Balance explores a new paradigm of health, science and medicine that recognizes the importance of the interconnections between us, the food we consume, how we produce that food and the natural world at large, including the mysterious, invisible world of the human microbiome. At a genetic level, […]
Hawai’i Farmers Union United – East Hawai’i Chapter organized the 2015 Natural Farming Symposium in Hilo, October 1st-3rd. Download the PDF of the First Annual Natural Farming Symposium – Program Booklet. This document shows the schedule of speakers and panels that took place during the symposium. The second day opened up […]
Hawai’i Farmers Union United – East Hawai’i Chapter organized the 2015 Natural Farming Symposium in Hilo, October 1st-3rd. Download the PDF of the First Annual Natural Farming Symposium – Program Booklet. This document shows the schedule of speakers and panels that took place during the symposium. The first day opened up with […]
FEAST – Food *Education * Agriculture * Solutions * Together – is a Community Foods Organizing event that provides a menu of methods to help communities mobilize around improving their local food system. The event includes a local panel of food system representatives, introduction to community food systems organizing and […]
Banchan-san presented a fermented beverage that originated in Japan after the 3/11 tsunami. People are finding that the microbes are mitigating the damage caused by radioactive exposure. This Shwa-Saka drink is made from the microbes of over 100 different herbs and cultured together is making it’s way around the world […]
Our June 2015 meeting covered microscopic soil analysis of indigenous micro organisms, IMO. We discovered and identified bacteria, fungus and nematodes. I brought in my 400x microscope to easily evaluate soil fertility based on biology. We recorded this lesson on how to use a microscope to validate your natural farming. We […]
Published on Sep 29, 2014 This is an introduction to the SCIENCE behind the popular agriculture technique called Natural Farming, which utilizes indigenous microorganisms and plant and animal based agricultural by-products to produce unique amendments. These techniques use the natural biological pathways found in forested systems and replicates them in […]
Composting toilets use aerobic, meaning oxygen loving, microbes to decompose waste into clean water and scentless carbon dioxide gas. Stink arises when microbes are deprived of oxygen and begin to produce methane, ammonia and rotten egg smelling gasses. The clivus multrum design facilitates oxygen rich conditions by draining away liquids. […]
Lehua blew petroleum farming away with edible natural farming methods. 13 week trial shows NF can outperform expensive (environmental and economical) alternatives. she started as a skeptic, but persisted, and even convinced the teacher of the merits we all know and love. living soil. living people. loving life. long live […]
No smell, no flies, no cleaning, no problems pig pens, a.k.a. Inoculated Deep Litter Systems, were the topic of the May 2015 Natural Farming Hawai’i meeting and potluck. For over 5 years over a dozen operations have proven why this is the NRCS best practice for swine waste management plans, […]
This lesson was presented as in “Intro to Natural Farming” to an audience of experienced petroleum based farmers. It is an overview of the solutions natural farmers use as tools to assist plant and microbial growth. The later part the talk briefly goes into soil biology theory highlighting how crops we […]